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LIMS is your one-stop for point-in-time student data, wellness, and analytical insights.

All Your Student Data In One Place with LIMS

Designed for Medical Schools

Cocolevio has collaborated with The University of Texas Dell Medical School to create a modern, centralized, and web-based cloud learning solution: Learner's Information Management System, to accommodate the unique needs that medical schools have managing students and curriculum.

MSPE Letter

LIMS serves as both a centralized repository of users and curriculum information and a business intelligence manager. Thus, it can generate reports, provide insights, and perform tasks that Medical Schools cannot accomplish by using third-party solutions. In particular, it can produce a complete draft of the MSPE letter in an automated, user friendly, and customized manner.

LIMS for Student Data Management
Web-based LIMS Solutions

Wellness Campaigns

LIMS allows for the creation and management of customized campaigns on any issue. Consider a student wellness survey. A campaign would involve setting up thresholds in terms of answers to specific questions. It would assess students' responses against thresholds and, when a student meets one, notify the concerned person to reach out and help the student.

Discover LIMS for Medical Schools

Our simple guide to LIMS walks you through different modules and features that we offer. Download your copy today!

Go Beyond Others

Create reports, extract insights, and perform tasks that other third-party solutions cannot accomplish.

We have designed LIMS to holistically integrate and manage learner information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cocolevio's LIMS takes a platform-agnostic approach to support medical learners on the continuum of their education by consolidating critical data from disparate legacy systems to provide standardized real-time information.

LIMS provides an extensive feature set that enables medical schools to create and manage comprehensive portfolios, assessments, and communication, allowing administrators to carry out routine tasks easily.

Our LIMS software is customizable. On the aesthetic side, we can update the appearance of the software solution to meet your business theme. LIMS is highly scalable and can be customized to fit your school's unique requirements.

LIMS offers a secure and robust student data storage, management, and analytics platform. This data is only accessible to school administrators, who can share it with individual faculty or roles.

Medical school administrators can use our software to automate tasks such as MSPE generation, wellness tracking, student reporting, and much more.

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