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Cloud Migration benefits

Benefits of Migrating Your Business to the Cloud

If you are still wondering whether or not to migrate to the cloud, you are behind 90% of your competitors. Most big enterprises benefit of migrating business to the cloud and multi-cloud functionalities for their organization.

Cloud adoption is one of the mainstream strategies for businesses. Most businesses are already on the cloud, and many plan to shift.

There are many reasons why businesses are migrating to the cloud over traditional ways of data storage and computing. Although cloud migration comes with several risks, the benefits always take hold of the limitations.

Here's Why Businesses are Migrating to the Cloud

Cloud offers better and more insights from Big Data

All businesses nowadays have a huge chunk of data in both structured and unstructured forms daily, collectively known as Big Data. As per a survey by Accenture, businesses not embracing Big Data are losing their competitive advantages and will soon fall behind their competition.

Getting great insights from Big Data is one of the cost-effective ways of data and information processing. The traditional storage system needs to improve at handling the high volume of data generation. You must invest a lot in the current infrastructure to manage data with conventional systems.

The on-site data storage system does not support advanced analytics, obstructing rapid data processing. Migrating to the cloud provides valuable insights and helps businesses make data-driven decisions.

The cloud is flexible and scalable

Scalability is one of the significant benefits of migrating your business to the cloud. Businesses leverage the cloud to manage their bandwidth and data requirements during the expansion and growth phases. The need for cloud services depends upon the scaling-up requirements of the business. The traditional method of investing in on-premise infrastructure leads to heavy investment in networking equipment, software licenses, and physical servers to grow the business.

Cloud services are flexible. Using internet-based devices such as smartphones, notebooks, laptops, tablets, or PCs, people can share critical data for strategic decision-making for any business. This flexibility to use data for business benefits makes cloud services flexible.

People and businesses witnessed the flexibility and significance of the cloud during the Covid-19 pandemic. Companies that adopted the cloud for data storage and sharing needs were able to adapt the work-from-home or remote working norms very quickly.

They were efficiently able to manage business data when compared to non-cloud competitors.

Collaboration efficiency with cloud

Cloud computing adds efficiency to the work process of many organizations. Cloud technology enables collaboration on a large scale. Multiple users from multiple locations and departments can utilize the cloud-based information whenever and wherever it is required.

There is no geographic restriction when you do the multi-region infrastructure cloud setup. Overseas teams collaborate over a secure system by accessing information and data from anywhere, enhancing the collaborative work approach and work efficiency.

When businesses embrace cloud technology, they share data and information efficiently. It prevents multiple human errors and scales up the decision-making process. Thus, organizations can focus on core tasks, and it improves productivity.

Cloud migration ensures disaster recovery and business continuity

The process of storing and retrieving data has changed ultimately. Each business is now looking for the most effective solutions to recover the data in any unforeseen disaster. As per an observation by Diffusion Group, 60% of businesses that went through a data disaster and were unable to recover were not able to survive after six months of the disaster.

Businesses always look for a possible solution to protect their intellectual properties. That is why cloud backup has become popular, as it helps businesses to recover their data quickly to keep business operations up. Cloud backup makes all the data available even after a data loss case. The recent Covid-19 pandemic was also a disaster. However, cloud services helped businesses maintain their smooth flow and enabled them to continue daily operations from multiple remote locations.

Cloud migration is cost-effective and simple

On-premise infrastructure setup is quite expensive. It costs a lot for network equipment, software licenses, technicians, and hardware. Besides these, installation and maintenance costs are also higher. In disasters such as fire and flood, physical damage and considerable loss can occur.

Cloud migration saves these investment costs. It just required initial setup and training costs. But it comes with immense benefits in scaling up the business process and keeping data safe with recovery features. The simple setup process and cost-effectiveness are significant reasons businesses shift to the cloud.

Related Article: How to Choose the Right IoT Cloud Services Provider

Are you ready to migrate your business data to the cloud?

To get the most benefits of migrating your business to the cloud, you must plan your cloud adoption strategy and policy to train your staff to use this technology safely. First-timers must plan cloud adoption in different stages to integrate with the organization’s infrastructure effectively.

You must also identify data compatibility, bandwidth problems, and legacy applications and connect with your service provider for required solutions.

You should provide the required training for the cloud skill set to your team so that they can understand and utilize the functionality properly. Evaluation of the strategy and improvements in the existing system for cloud adoption are two ways to become successful with cloud migration.

If you are not a cloud-first organization, you are losing that competitive edge and falling behind your competitors.


There are uncountable benefits to migrating your business to the cloud. However, bringing your business operations to the cloud can be costly, time-consuming, and challenging. Migration alone takes a tremendous amount of time and careful consideration, let alone actual change.

Cloud migration means greater flexibility, better scalability, and on-demand financing, effectively increasing the return on investment (ROI) and offering you complete control.

Cocolevio provides all cloud data services – from business to games and music – so you can focus on what matters most. In contrast, we offer the ultimate cloud experience for your business.

A robust cloud strategy and the right cloud migration consulting firm can help you grow your business.

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