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LIMS in Medical Colleges

Must-have Features of an Effective LIMS Medical College Software

Gone are those days when medical universities managed all their data manually in their systems or using multiple software. In a rapidly growing era, keeping yourself updated with technology and changing your old working systems is necessary.

Managing a university can be extremely challenging without the right kind of LIMS/Learner information management software. Medical professionals, schools, and university administrators use software to plan, organize, control, and execute their work. Also, to perform daily operations quickly and smoothly.

5 LIMS Features to Expect


A place where students can create resumes for themselves. This portfolio section shows all the work and extracurricular activities a student has done apart from their regular studies.

Most of the students do jobs during summers, and some even volunteer work, so all of this helps them build their resumes which will eventually be beneficial in the future as to where they want to go. A good resume includes academic performance, extracurricular activities, other experiences, etc. So, all this information is gathered in a single place in a portfolio section.

Course Curriculum

When are the courses offered? What is the schedule of the classes? The number of courses that a particular student has taken? This information should be notified beforehand.

Students take so many courses each year, ensuring that their two courses should be conducted in various ways. Some students also have a tight schedule due to work and only attend some classes. So they take courses when they please, plan their calendar, and complete them accordingly.

Therefore, a course curriculum is essential as it helps the student make proper plans.

MSPE Builder

Medical Student Performance Evaluation is a letter for all students in their final year. In which honest feedback of a student and their academic performance, other experiences, attributes, etc., are stated in brief.

The MSPE letter must be designed in a fixed format abiding by the rules and regulations stated by the AAMCWith the help of advanced LIMS Learning information management software, you can generate MSPE letters with just a click.

Most of the software does not have this feature, but Cocolevio’s Learning Information Management System (LIMS) provides this feature.

Academic Performance

Keeping data on the student’s academic performance, grade reports, and other activities and then analyzing it can be done in one place.

Making report cards for every student is a time-consuming and tedious task. Carefully filling in the correct marks, grades, attendance, etc. is necessary, but if it is done manually, it can be way too challenging for the administration,

In management systems, teachers can efficiently perform the process of making report cards with the help of a database. The already existing information (attendance, grades, etc.) about the student in the system helps to generate the report card automatically. After generating the report card, teachers can review and glance at it and then approve it. Eventually, making it available to students.

Wellness Program

According to research published in JAMA, 27.2% of medical students reported depressive symptoms, and about 11% reported suicide ideation.

To prevent suicides and mental suffering of students, some management software has developed a wellness program. It helps manage and track their students’ physical and psychological health. It also assists the students in their emotional health.

Now you might be wondering, how will the software track wellness?

The teacher conducts activities like cycling, swimming, and playing in a group to engage students. Participating in the activities is not mandatory, but it is always recommended because students who actively participate have a low chance of getting depressed. 

After this, with the help of the right learner information management software, they track how many students did not participate and how well the students who participated performed. Next, the AI generates a series of questions asking the students.

Then all this data from the survey is pulled by the management software. Suppose a student responds in a way and considers them at risk by seeing the data. Then this system sends an alert to students who show signs of stress and also alerts their advisor that they need to meet with them.


Managing a medical school or university can be hectic. But with the help of modern LIMS features, it can save time and help you manage your medical school/university effectively and efficiently.

Cocolevio’s LIMS offers all such features. Not only this, but it also integrates data from other systems and provides standardized real-time information in a single unified dashboard.

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